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ERASMUS+ "Reporters without frontiers" (Reikiavik, Abril 2017)

Durante esta semana, del 24 al 28 de abril, cuatro alumnos de 2º de Bachillerato de nuestro instituto, Paula Llamas, Alba Roldán, Álvaro Luque y Manuel Ángel Domínguez y las profesoras de Francés, Carmen Díaz, y de Inglés, Pilar Torres, estamos en Islandia trabajando dentro del proyecto ERASMUS+ "Reporters without frontiers" en el que nuestro centro participa.

El proyecto tiene una duración de tres cursos y fue iniciado en octubre de 2016. En enero de este año Córdoba acogió la primera visita con alumnado y profesorado de los cinco países participantes: Alemania, Francia, Grecia, Islandia y España.

En esta ocasión, el alumnado de los cinco países está en Reikiavik, por ello son reporteros sin fronteras, trabajando conjuntamente en el instituto Fjölbrautaskólinn í Breiðholti en Reikiavik, Islandia, y realizando entrevistas a personas y asociaciones islandesas con conocimientos y responsabilidades en estas cinco temáticas:

- Health and food quality.

- Environment and tourism.

- Energy and Environment.

- Capitalism and austerity

- Refugees

Este es el PROGRAMA de la visita.

Y esta la presentación del "Travel Book" de Islandia que nuestros alumnos han elaborado a propósito de las imágenes y vídeos enviados por el alumnado islandés:

En los siguientes álbumes digitales hay fotos de nuestra estancia y trabajo en Reikiavik acompañados de una reseña del trabajo realizado.

Sunday, 23rd April:

Guided Tour in Reikiavik (Town Hall, Viking museum, Market, Harbour, Harpa Concert Hall and Conference centre, Old town).

Monday, 24th April:

Working at Icelandic school: School presentations, Travel books´presentations and groups organisation in order to prepare the interviews on the topics that they will carry on next Wednesday and Thursday.

The school is the only one in Reikiavik that provides academic and vocational training, among the different vocations, Photography and Art (Drawing, Sculpture, Textile).

To finish, we were guided through the school and classrooms and visited the Fab Lab of Reikiavik which is inside the school and that allows students to practise computer design and to print their designs in 3D.

Tuesday, 25 April

Islands of Vestmann: Visit Heimaey and volcano Eldfell

Wednesday, 26 April

Students have worked in groups preparing the different interviews for several people and institutions related to the five topics in our Erasmus+ project:

- Health and food quality.

- Environment and tourism.

- Energy and Environment.

- Capitalism and austerity.

- Refugees.

Tomorrow students will make and record (sound and video) the interviews they have already prepared following the scheduled PROGRAMME.

Teachers had a work meeting in the afternoon in order to agree on certain tasks to carry on as well as on some details on future visits.

Thursday, 28 April

Today students in Erasmus+ have finished doing all the interviews that were arranged in this visit.

Teachers in each group have accompanied students to make their interviews to people and institutions related to the topics they have been working on.

Students in the group working on Refugees have visited the Red Cross association in Reikiavik and have had an interview with the its president and other responsible people for social, legal and medical issues.

Afterwards we have spoken to Sema Eldar Serdar, president and founder at SOLARIS - a relief organisation for refugees and asylum seekers in Iceland.

Friday, 29 April

In the last day of this Erasmus+ visit, students in the five different groups finished editing their videos and audios from the diverse interview recordings and elaborate a presentation with all the information they managed to get. They also added a conclusion to their work during this week and presented all together in the final academic event before the farewell ceremony.

The presentations on their analysis of the interviews, the comparison of different points of view and the final reflections provoke in students the feeling of task fulfillment and in their teachers that of satisfaction.

Presentations by students:

- Environment and energy.

- Food quality.

In the farewell ceremony students were given their participation diplomas. Keep up the good work, Alba, Paula, Álvaro and Manuel!!

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